Key terms and People

Transcendentalism- the belief that people could transcend, or rise above, material things in life.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, Margret Fuller, and Henry David Thoreau- important and inspirational transcendentalists.

Utopian communities- groups of people who tried to form a perfect society.

Nathaniel Hawthorne- a writer from New England who wrote "The Scarlet letter" during the mid-1800s.

Edgar Allan Poe- a poet who became famous for writing a haunting poem called "The Raven".

Emily Dickinson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and Walt Whitman- other famous American poets.
Dickinson's poems were only published after her death. Longfellow wrote story-poems like "The song of Hiawatha" Whitman had a poetry collection called
'Leaves of Grass."

By: Angel White
